Thursday, February 28, 2013

How Would You Like to Become World Famous?

Hi Everyone.

I hope you've enjoyed the stuff on my blog.  I'm having so much fun writing for everybody, and now I'm asking you to be apart of the fun too!

I've got lots of friends and lots of stuff to write about, so why not include my friends in the stuff I write about?

My good friend Kelvin appeared in my first blog post, and that was a success.  I got at least three more views than I normally would have gotten.

So, here's the deal.  Shoot me a message, or leave me a comment below, and you may very well appear in an upcoming entry.  I will use your name, a picture (of your choosing), and something about you that makes you unique to either explain a tough idea or simply make a funny joke.  I am also open to suggestions about how to format my page.  All friendly critiques about writing, grammar, content, etc. are welcome.  I want to get good.  In order to do that, I need to get good advice.  

Best wishes!

Facebook: Travis Nelson Dumais


ps. I should have a separate page up soon dedicated to my photography.  Stay tuned!


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