Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Was God Trying to Tell Me Something?

I had a interesting experience a while ago, and I'd like to know what you think about it.

It was last winter when I met a wicked cool girl.

We started dating, and I fell in love.

She was a Pentecostal Christian.  I had never heard about people like her.

She told me her story about her conversion.

One day after a long month of loneliness and sadness, she lay on the floor in her room looking up at the ceiling when it struck her.  She realized that God existed!  From then on, her life was good.

I was an atheist, but I found her story so compelling that I wanted to learn more.

While I was trying to figure out what I believed, something very odd happened.

I became severely depressed.  I hated school, feared people, and didn't think my life had any meaning.

On top of that, I couldn't communicate with God.  I prayed.  I read the bible.  I asked others to pray for me, but nothing happened.

One night, I prayed in my truck.  I said, "God, please give me a sign.  Show me that you're real."  I thought the rain dripping down on the windshield was an appropriate symbolic expression of the inner sadness I felt.

But again, nothing happened.

The next day, I was sitting outside of class at school.  I had a Bible I rented from the library in my hand and was reading it when a lady approached me.

"Is that The Good Book?" she said.

"Yeah," I responded.

"What version?"

"I don't know.  It's not mine.  I got it from the library," I said.

She looked at the book, then into my face.  She walked over to her purse and grabbed her bible and brought it over to me.

"Here, have this."

"Really?"  I said.

"Take it.  It's the best thing you'll ever read."

"God speaks to us in strange ways," she said. "My daughter passed away two years ago, and I don't know where I'd be without this.  You look like you could use it."

We talked for a bit more, then she went off.

I walked down to the basement of the building and began to cry.  I couldn't understand what was going on.

Did God really speak to me?  Is this him returning my prayers? Or was it all just wishful thinking? 

Why me?  Why would she give it to me?

She loved this bible.  She used it often.  There were flowers, feathers, notes, and underlines in it.

I am so appreciative to this woman for giving me this book.

I still have it.  It's sitting on my bureau.

Now, my question for the reader is this: How should I interpret what happened?


  1. All I am going to say is, "God will do big things with you" Keep seeking God & you will see God's glory in your life<3-God.

  2. Thank you Elizabeth for your thoughtful comment. I always like talking with you about this kind of stuff.

  3. Yes, that was definitely God. He is always faithful and meets us right where we are- many times, when we don't expect Him. I echo Elizabeth, continue to seek God and He will show Himself to you.

    11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:11-13

    All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.-John 6:37

  4. Thanks Luke. I really appreciate your input. I think that if God is true, then he will find me.

    I am completely open to conversion. I go into religious talks hoping to be converted. Perhaps one day, I will be. Until then, I must stick wit my current understanding of the world.

  5. I read your post and I kind of did not know what to comment. I know I wanted to commented, but just did not know what. I do think that this could be a sign from God. I was taught that God never rejects a prayer. He always listens and will answer a prayer, though it might not be right then and there. Could be next week, next month, or even next year but He answers as long as the person prays true heartedly and continues to pray.

    I am an Ahmadiya Muslim (I go through a lot of hardships trying to balance out my religion and the world)and our leader (similaar to Christian's pope), Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih, gives a Friday sermon every week since Friday is ur religious day. This past Friday he gave a sermon on Prayers and how God listens and answers.

    Here is the link: http://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2013-03-15.html#summary-tab

    I really enjoyed this sermon and nowadays I am always praying, even about the littlest things and thanking God for listening. Sometimes I ask God why He listens to my prayers when I am not so close to my religion. I believe I have the answer to that. I believe it is the fact that when I pray to God, I truely and deeply ask for His help. And when I need help, I always ask God's help by praying to Him. And that these days I am trying to be close to my religion so God sees that I truely mean it and am trying so He helps me. In the Quran there is a verse that says "If you walk (or crawl) to God, God runs to you"

    Sorry I went a bit too long on this comment but I enjoy talking about religion, any religion. It's too bad not a lot of people talk about religion. I really hope you find the answers you are looking for about God. Good luck!

    1. its me again (so sorry) just wanted to let you know that I hope you do not think that I am trying to convert you into my religion. I am just sharing my beliefs and what I have learned through my religion. Do not want you to feel awkward (maybe it too late lol).

      Also if you do try to visit the link i posted and read the sermon, i just want to clear that the mention of "Promised Messaih" comes up alot and wanted to let you know that we believe that the Promised Messiah have already come and his name is Ghulam Ahmad from Qadian, India. Just to clear that out.
      Good luck :)

    2. Holey Cow! This was a wonderful response and it is a shame that I am only getting to respond now, a week later.

      I am so happy that you shared this with me for many reasons.

      1) Sharing your beliefs takes guts! And opening up to me about it helps me better understand it.

      2) You talked about prayer. This is exactly what I will be studying. Essentially, I am looking into how prayers are answered.

      3) You come from a very different perspective from many of the Christians that I know, and I find it so fascinating.

      You said that God always responds, even to the littlest things. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me an example?

      Perhaps of a prayer that you made, and a response that God gave?

      p.s. I also checked out the Sermon. When do you go to your gatherings? Every Friday?

  6. Travis, You are one heck of a blogger. I will assert that fact here for everyone to see! Thank you for thought-provoking posts and for taking us, with words and images, to deep places in our minds, places that don't get visited in the normal day-to-day. Existence? God? Faith? Belief? Phew...those are big ideas.

    Nugget to turn over in your mind:

    If there were no religions (manmade constructs based in ideology), how might we understand or discuss or value differently the idea of a god or gods?

    How does ideology cloud our ability to honestly and openly talk with each other about god without forcing dogmas or doctrines into the issue (aka right versus wrong)?

    How does/might ideology (philosophy) complicate your scientific inquiry?

    Keep blogging, Travis!
